Council Meeting Summaries
If you like the more nitty-gritty stuff, take a look at our recent Council Meeting Summaries that highlight the most important decisions that the Council has made.
- There was a nice turnout for the "Amazing Race" palm splitting event which was coordinated by the Christian Ed committee
- Many children were on hand to participate in the Easter egg hunt. The teens were involved in hiding the eggs.
- An Easter morning light breakfast was provided by the Fellowship committee
- We had a full house of worship on Easter Sunday
- The Finance Secretary will be issuing the first quarter statement in the near future
- St Afterschool is the designated fund for Mother's Day and Father's Day flower money
- Confirmation will be on May 28 when we have 3 teens reaffirming their faith
- Starting in April, the Youth (teen) group will meet the first and third Wednesdays
- Mission Outreach committee is actively preparing for the free Community Meal event at St John's on April 22
- Those interested in participating at Camp Lutherlyn Cleanup Day, please contact Joan Berresford or the office
- Starting April 9, St John's will have 2 acting pastors while Pastor Kimberly is on family leave.