Our Communications Team Leads and Contact Information
Office Phone: (412) 824-0277
Office E-mail: office@stjohnsnorthversailles.com
Website: StJohnsNorthVersailles.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnnorthversailles
Weekly Worship Service Bulletins Debi Maurizi
Monthly Newsletters Cindy Haag
Facebook Sarah Lundie and Madison Lewis
Website Cindy Haag and Pastor Kimberly
Outdoor Sign Brenda Neundorf
Office E-mail: office@stjohnsnorthversailles.com
Website: StJohnsNorthVersailles.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjohnnorthversailles
Weekly Worship Service Bulletins Debi Maurizi
Monthly Newsletters Cindy Haag
Facebook Sarah Lundie and Madison Lewis
Website Cindy Haag and Pastor Kimberly
Outdoor Sign Brenda Neundorf