WHEN are your worship services?
The service with traditional Lutheran Liturgy is on Sunday mornings at 10:45am in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Summer worship (June to mid-Sept) is at 9:30am.
Special events and seasonal services occur throughout the year. Please watch our calendar for more information.
Special events and seasonal services occur throughout the year. Please watch our calendar for more information.
St. John's does not have a dress code. Please dress comfortably. You are welcome to wear jeans, shorts, suits, dresses, khakis, or whatever you like. Whether you are casual or dressy, you are welcome here!
What’s worship like? How long does it last?
Sunday worship follows traditional Lutheran liturgy or flow of worship. We sing, read scripture, listen to the gospel preached in a sermon, affirm our faith, pray, and celebrate Holy Communion. We celebrate Holy Communion each week and you are welcome to participate.
The service lasts approximately an hour and ten minutes.
After worship, we have a fellowship time. Coffee, tea, drinks, and snacks are provided for all in the narthex (lobby). We hope you join us!
Children and babies are always welcome in the church and worship services. We have a prayground at the front left of the nave where parents can take their children for quiet play. We don't mind at all if they cry or fuss! If their fussing bothers you (it truly doesn't bother us), you can take them to the narthex (lobby) or the nursery. You can hear the audio of the service in both places.
The service lasts approximately an hour and ten minutes.
After worship, we have a fellowship time. Coffee, tea, drinks, and snacks are provided for all in the narthex (lobby). We hope you join us!
Children and babies are always welcome in the church and worship services. We have a prayground at the front left of the nave where parents can take their children for quiet play. We don't mind at all if they cry or fuss! If their fussing bothers you (it truly doesn't bother us), you can take them to the narthex (lobby) or the nursery. You can hear the audio of the service in both places.
Children of all ages are welcome! We have a children's worship bulletin with activities that help them connect with scripture and the service. You can pick that up with the bulletin for adults.
Our Prayground is always available for families of any age to use. It has quiet toys, aids to follow the service, and seating for children and adults. Click HERE to learn more about Praygrounds.
St. John's has Young Disciples Messages during worship where young people are invited up to the chancel area to talk with the pastor. All ages of children and youth are welcome to attend. Parents may come up with them, if desired.
In the narthex (lobby), you'll find backpacks hanging on hooks with activities and appropriate worship materials for children. This may include books, coloring pages, and small toys to keep them occupied throughout the service. You may grab one at any time. Return them to the hooks at the end of worship.
Our Prayground is always available for families of any age to use. It has quiet toys, aids to follow the service, and seating for children and adults. Click HERE to learn more about Praygrounds.
St. John's has Young Disciples Messages during worship where young people are invited up to the chancel area to talk with the pastor. All ages of children and youth are welcome to attend. Parents may come up with them, if desired.
In the narthex (lobby), you'll find backpacks hanging on hooks with activities and appropriate worship materials for children. This may include books, coloring pages, and small toys to keep them occupied throughout the service. You may grab one at any time. Return them to the hooks at the end of worship.
We celebrate Holy Communion every week. All who seek God and a deeper and stronger life in Christ are welcome to receive Communion. People from any tradition or denomination are welcome at God's Table of Grace. If you don’t wish to receive communion, you can still come forward for a blessing; indicate this by crossing your arms across your chest or ask the pastor for a blessing. If you wish to receive communion but are unable to walk forward, please let an usher know, and the communion will be brought to you.
We most often use wafers and wine in our communion liturgy. Christ is fully present in both and so you may receive one or the other or both. Gluten-free wafers are available for those with a wheat/gluten intolerance or you may receive only the wine. Those with an alcohol intolerance may choose to eat only the wafer.
Children are welcome to receive communion if their parents would like them to. We do provide a Communion Enrichment program and First Communion celebrations. Having communed already does not prevent children from participating in these events.
We most often use wafers and wine in our communion liturgy. Christ is fully present in both and so you may receive one or the other or both. Gluten-free wafers are available for those with a wheat/gluten intolerance or you may receive only the wine. Those with an alcohol intolerance may choose to eat only the wafer.
Children are welcome to receive communion if their parents would like them to. We do provide a Communion Enrichment program and First Communion celebrations. Having communed already does not prevent children from participating in these events.
Yes, we offer our gifts and talents to God and one of the ways we put our faith into action is by offering our support to the church and its ministries. We pass offering plates discretely. You are welcome to place any contribution in the collection plate. Be led by the Spirit in how you give.
You can enter the church at the glass doors of the main entrance beneath the portico. Someone will greet you at the door. At a table in the narthex (lobby), there will be people handing out bulletins that will help you follow along during the service. The congregation wears name tags so we know who everyone is. You are welcomed to complete a name tag if you so desire.
When you enter the building, the sanctuary is through the double glass doors on your left. On your right, down a short hallway, you'll find water fountains, restrooms, and the nursery.
When you enter the building, the sanctuary is through the double glass doors on your left. On your right, down a short hallway, you'll find water fountains, restrooms, and the nursery.
Parking is available in our parking lot along Route 30 and to the east/right side of the building. Parking is free.
There are accessible parking spaces near the entrance that are clearly marked. You will also find designated parking spaces for visitors indicated by a placard.
There are accessible parking spaces near the entrance that are clearly marked. You will also find designated parking spaces for visitors indicated by a placard.
St. John's has accessible parking near the front door. There are no steps into the sanctuary, office, bathrooms, fellowship hall, or nursery. There are several locations throughout the sanctuary designed especially for wheelchair users. If you would like to receive communion without coming forward, please tell an usher.
There is an accessible water fountain in the hallway near the bathrooms. The bathrooms have accessible stalls.
Service animals are always welcome. Large print bulletins are available each week. Our online services on Zoom usually have Closed Captioning. If you need Braille resources, please contact the church office.
There is an accessible water fountain in the hallway near the bathrooms. The bathrooms have accessible stalls.
Service animals are always welcome. Large print bulletins are available each week. Our online services on Zoom usually have Closed Captioning. If you need Braille resources, please contact the church office.