Pastor Jocelyn's March Message
The forty days of the season of Lent are often referred to in the church as a journey. We journey with Jesus Christ and learn from him and grow closer to him through reflection, prayer, worship, studying God’s Word, and acts of love toward others. This metaphor of a journey for this season can be a bit misleading, however, as it suggests that there is a destination. In reality, as soon as we imagine that we have “arrived”, we learn that the journey doesn’t end. And our observance of Lent is an annual encounter, each year inviting us to come participate in the mysteries of God’s active participation in our lives.
At the beginning of this season, on a solemn day of prayer, Ash Wednesday presses the earth back into our skin. In simplicity and silence, we call to mind our individual and collective sin and our fragile and earth-bound nature. Marked with ashes, at the beginning of what is traditionally a season of fasting, we are turned toward Easter and its promise of risen life in Christ. We are reminded once again of God’s baptismal promises spoken over us.
So consider those promises and make a commitment this Lent. Take one small step. Add a time of daily prayer or meditation. Check in with your family regularly and talk about what you’re grateful for each day. Attend the Community Lent services and Holy Week services. Read through the Gospel of Matthew, the appointed Gospel for this year. Attend Bible Study on Sunday mornings or Thursday evenings. Help with MA’s Pantry. Get rid of something that’s standing in the way of your relationship with God. Do one intentional act of kindness each day. Whatever it is, try committing to some spiritual discipline for the season of Lent. You may surprise yourself. God may surprise you.
God’s peace be with you,
Pastor Jocelyn
At the beginning of this season, on a solemn day of prayer, Ash Wednesday presses the earth back into our skin. In simplicity and silence, we call to mind our individual and collective sin and our fragile and earth-bound nature. Marked with ashes, at the beginning of what is traditionally a season of fasting, we are turned toward Easter and its promise of risen life in Christ. We are reminded once again of God’s baptismal promises spoken over us.
So consider those promises and make a commitment this Lent. Take one small step. Add a time of daily prayer or meditation. Check in with your family regularly and talk about what you’re grateful for each day. Attend the Community Lent services and Holy Week services. Read through the Gospel of Matthew, the appointed Gospel for this year. Attend Bible Study on Sunday mornings or Thursday evenings. Help with MA’s Pantry. Get rid of something that’s standing in the way of your relationship with God. Do one intentional act of kindness each day. Whatever it is, try committing to some spiritual discipline for the season of Lent. You may surprise yourself. God may surprise you.
God’s peace be with you,
Pastor Jocelyn