Call Committee Update - May 2020
As you know, the Call Committee completed and filed the Mission Site Profile for Saint John’s. This is in essence our resumé, the one candidates will examine to determine their interest in us. It is too lengthy to publish here, but the Committee would like to share it with you in bite size pieces as we go along. One of the sections asks us to place ourselves on a series of a scales of characteristics. After extended discussions, the response of the Congregation Council and Call Committee looks like this:
As a Community
A lot A little A little A lot
like us like us like us like us
We tend to be formal X We tend to be
and programmatic. informal and spontaneous.
We have clearly defined X We have no stated
goals and plans for the goals or plans.
We are racially and X We are demographically
economically diverse. homogeneous.
Our Leadership Style
We welcome ideas that are X We prefer ideas that are tried and
provoking and challenging. true.
We rely on our leaders for X We rely on group decision
direction. making.
We have learned how to use X We tend to perceive conflict
conflict constructively. as something destructive.
Our Programming
Our facilities are often used X Our facilities are only used for
by community groups. our activities.
We train people to minister X We train people to minister
outside our walls. inside our walls.
We focus on ideas and beliefs. X We focus on skills and action.
Our Theological Perspective
We are obviously Lutheran X We are less obvious about our
in identity and practice. Lutheran Heritage.
We participate in synod and X We are not very active in the
ELCA activities. synod and ELCA
We focus on Biblical studies X We focus on contemporary
and doctrine. issues and topics.
Of course, these are very general and require detailed explanations. All of this is grist for the mill when we actually interview candidates. That comes soon.
As you know, the Call Committee completed and filed the Mission Site Profile for Saint John’s. This is in essence our resumé, the one candidates will examine to determine their interest in us. It is too lengthy to publish here, but the Committee would like to share it with you in bite size pieces as we go along. One of the sections asks us to place ourselves on a series of a scales of characteristics. After extended discussions, the response of the Congregation Council and Call Committee looks like this:
As a Community
A lot A little A little A lot
like us like us like us like us
We tend to be formal X We tend to be
and programmatic. informal and spontaneous.
We have clearly defined X We have no stated
goals and plans for the goals or plans.
We are racially and X We are demographically
economically diverse. homogeneous.
Our Leadership Style
We welcome ideas that are X We prefer ideas that are tried and
provoking and challenging. true.
We rely on our leaders for X We rely on group decision
direction. making.
We have learned how to use X We tend to perceive conflict
conflict constructively. as something destructive.
Our Programming
Our facilities are often used X Our facilities are only used for
by community groups. our activities.
We train people to minister X We train people to minister
outside our walls. inside our walls.
We focus on ideas and beliefs. X We focus on skills and action.
Our Theological Perspective
We are obviously Lutheran X We are less obvious about our
in identity and practice. Lutheran Heritage.
We participate in synod and X We are not very active in the
ELCA activities. synod and ELCA
We focus on Biblical studies X We focus on contemporary
and doctrine. issues and topics.
Of course, these are very general and require detailed explanations. All of this is grist for the mill when we actually interview candidates. That comes soon.